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The 2nd Workshop on
Computer Architecture Modeling and Simulation
(CAMS 2024)

Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024
Time: 8:00 AM CST - 12:00 PM CST
Location: AT&T Hotel and Conference Center, Austin, Texas
Room: 101

The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and discuss the latest advances in the field of computer architecture modeling ans simulation. The focus on modeling and simulation techniques is of vital importance to the ongoing advancements in microarchitecture, as these methods are essential tools for improving system performance, efficiency, and reliability.

The workshop will cover various aspects of computer architecture modeling and simulation, including but not limited to:

  • Simulator Development: Advances in design, theory, implementation, and integration of simulators.
  • Performance Modeling: Strategies for prediction, validation, and the impact of architectural features.
  • Power Modeling and Simulation: Methods for power-efficient design and power-performance trade-offs.
  • Tools and Studies Survey: Review and compare existing simulation tools and applications.
  • Scalable Simulation Techniques: Approaches for improving simulation scalability and efficiency.
  • Modeling and Simulation for Unconventional Architectures: Exploration of unique challenges and approaches for emerging and unconventional architectures.
  • Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation: Performance modeling and simulator validation with hardware.
  • Modeling for Machine Learning (Sim4AI): Architectural considerations and models for hardware accelerators.
  • Validation Techniques: Approaches for validating the accuracy of simulation models.
  • Human-centered simulation methods: Analysis, Visualization, Monitoring methods.


Speaker: Matt Sinclair, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

Bio: Matt Sinclair is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Sciences Department, an affiliate faculty member of the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, and an affiliate of the Teaching Academy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is primarily a computer architect, although his work also includes other areas such as operating systems and parallel programming. Moreover, he is also passionate about designing the tools used to study future heterogeneous systems, including serving as a member of the gem5 Project Management Committee. As an instructor at UW-Madison, he is currently part of the Excel Initiative, and was previously a Madison Teaching & Learning Fellow. He also is the current steward for the ISCA Hall of Fame. His research has been recognized several times, including with an NSF CAREER award, a 2018 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award nomination, a Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, the 2018 David J. Kuck Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, an ACM SIGARCH - IEEE Computer Society TCCA 2018 Outstanding Dissertation Award Honorable Mention, two Mavis Future Faculty Fellowships, a Feng Chen Memorial Award, and W.J. Poppelbaum Award, and Saburo Muroga Fellowship. Previously, he completed his PhD in Computer Architecture in the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under the supervision of Sarita Adve. During his PhD he interned at NVIDIA Research and after his PhD he was a postdoc at AMD Research; at both AMD and NVIDIA his work focused on optimizing future GPU memory systems.

Call for Papers

The workshop invites submissions of original work in the form of full papers (up to 6 pages, reference not included) covering all aspects of computer architecture modeling and simulation. Submissions will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Papers Due:

    August 16, 2024

    August 30, 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)

  • Author Notification:

    September 15, 2024

    September 23, 2024

Submission Guidelines

Full paper submissions must be in PDF format for US letter-size or A4 paper. They must not exceed 6 pages (excluding unlimited references) in standard ACM two-column conference format (review mode, with page numbers and both 9 or 10pt can be used). More concise papers with ideas clearly expressed are also welcomed. Authors can select if they want to reveal their identity in the submission. Templates for ACM format are available for Microsoft Word and LaTeX at this link.

We do not put the paper in the ACM or IEEE digital libraries. Therefore, the papers submitted to the event can be submitted to other venues without restrictions.

At least one author of accepted papers is expected to present in person during the event. We understand the travel difficulty of the post-pandemia era. In extreme cases, we will allow remote or pre-recorded presentations.

Submission Site:

Workshop Organizers

Yifan Sun Trevor E. Carlson Sabila Al Jannat
Chair Chair Web Chair
William & Mary National University of Singapore William & Mary
Please contact the organizers if you have any questions.

Program Committee

In this workshop, we are experimenting with a PhD and practitioner-led PC. We believe that PhD students and practitioners are the end users of simulation and performance modeling tools and hence, should know the tools the best. We will report our experience during the workshop event.

  • Yuhui Bao (Northeastern University)
  • Ying Li (William & Mary)
  • Changxi Liu (National University of Singapore)
  • Patrick Lavin (Sandia National Lab)
  • Mohammadreza Rezvani (UC Riverside)
  • Mahyar Samani (UC Davis)
  • William Won (Georgia Institute of Technology)